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At Excelsior Relocation, we are always striving to find our buyers additional housing choices. This includes having buyers for the For Sale By Owner or other off-market property. If a buyer from our buyer pool will pay a price you feel is fair, would you be receptive to us showing your property?

Excelsior Relocation does not list homes. We are a buyer agency.

762 Cypress Knoll

See Your Market Data Below

Value is often determined based on “price per square foot.” However there are about a dozen economic indicators that reveal the level of “buyer pent-up demand”. These factors are significant when determining the current value and future appreciation. YOUR DATA IS EXPLAINED IN THIS REPORT.

Want to sell your home without the hassle of listing your property?

If our buyer is a match, the brokerage fee is only a total of 2.25%

 Key Pricing Data For

762 Cypress Knoll

Listen to these audio while you look over your report. These audios will explain your data.

Would you be receptive to us previewing your property?

Most agents that work within the relocation market are usually showing property both Saturday and Sunday to buyers  that often purchase within 2-3 days.

Because of the buyer’s short timetable, ALL property must be pre-viewed to determine if the condition and features are “in line with the asking price” as compared to other property.